Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hey, we are back!

Mama is so much better that she said we could create a post. I want to tell you what happened to me on Thursday. Mama was not only sick she was scared.

Warning to my fellow canines--Not everything that looks yummy is really yummy! 

Please learn from my poor judgment. And Mama’s too. Here is my chilling story…
Mama was sick in the bathroom and I was getting bored waiting for her to come out. So I decided I would squeeze behind the big chair in the living room and munch a little on one of her plants. She hid it there so I couldn't get to it. My Mama and brother love their plants. She has one that is older than my brother (and that means it is really old because brother is 34--34 x 7 OMG he is 238 in dog years). Anyway, enough rambling, let me get to the point. I grabbed a leaf and made a dash for my pillow by the fireplace. I was looking forward to the snack I confiscated. Before I knew it, I was screeching, chocking, and yelping! I didn't know what was happening to me and Mama couldn't leave the bathroom. She kept calling me because she knew something was wrong.

Mama finally was able to come to my rescue. She saw the leaf and tried to get water in my mouth. I calmed down. Mama ran to the computer to see if the plant was poisonous. My luck it was. She followed the instructions to help me feel better. I got a snack after all, she gave me milk and cheese. Since I didn't eat much of the leaf, she and Dad watched me for the next few hours. Mama was prepared to give me Benadryl and take me to the vet. She kept telling me to throw-up like she is doing, but darn I just couldn't do it. I tried, honest I did.

I am wagging my tail and telling you that I am good as good can be. And much better than the plants because she threw them out, except for the two humongous ones (Corn Plants). For now they are still calling my house home. 

Here is the Dumb Cane (dieffenbacia) leaf, lucky for me I only chewed a very small amount and had none of the symptoms except for the initial burning in my mouth:

Animal Toxicity

  • If you own a cat or dog, dieffenbachia plants are a bad houseplant to have around, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The plant is toxic to both cats and dogs, and fatal if eaten in large doses. Symptoms of dieffenbachia poisoning include large amounts of drooling, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, mouth burning or oral irritation.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8318768_oozing-dieffenbachia-harmful.html#ixzz2q9L7nxFu

Here I am on my pillow: 

Woof, woof, till later (thank goodness there is a later)...

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