Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Kiss makes everything better

 Mama loves when I give her kisses. On tonight's Zoom meeting I couldn't help myself, I had to jump on her and kiss her right in front of her friends.

Om a side note, I want to wish everyone who is celebrating Passover or Easter a wonderful holiday. 

Woof, woof, till later, 

Zoey Elizabeth

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Happy Birthday Jackson

 Remembering Jackson on his Heavenly birthday. Jackson was one of the best dogs that ever lived. Jackson, you are missed deeply. Hope you are celebrating with Laura, Sierra, and your brother, Louie. Happy Birthday Jack-Jack!

I never met Jackson. He was one of Mama's grand dogs. The family misses him a lot. I think I would have liked having him as a nephew.

Woof, woof, and Happy Birthday,


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Seresto collar

Be aware  

Popular flea collar may be linked 

to nearly 1,700 pet deaths  

By ANNA WERNER CBS NEWS March 18, 2021, 6:43 PM

Members of Congress are demanding one of the largest single product recalls in U.S. history after a top-selling flea and tick collar was linked to the deaths of nearly 1,700 pets and hundreds of injuries to humans. 

"When we put the collar on, everything changed and was like a switch just flipped," Alex Jaeger said. 

Alex Jaeger and his mother, Eleanor, say two months after they put a Seresto collar on their golden retriever Blake, he developed seizures. They say their veterinarian gave Blake epilepsy medication, but the dog has never been the same.

"I don't want anyone to ever go through this," Eleanor Jaeger said. 

Karen Pisano said one of her two 4-month-old kittens fell ill within two days of putting their collars on in August. The legs of her orange tabby, Oscar, began twitching. 

"That's when I became extremely alarmed," Pisano said. 

On a veterinarian's advice, she says she immediately removed the collars but Oscar died that night. 

"This poor thing, he didn't do anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. To see him pass — he didn't deserve that," Pisano said. 

Seresto collars contain two different pesticides designed to ward off fleas and ticks. Retailer Elanco says the collars are safe.  

But government documents obtained by a nonprofit group show more than 75,000 incidents have been reported to the Environmental Protection Agency since the Seresto collars were introduced in 2012. The incidents range from skin irritation to seizures and death. 

"I mean, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was just how high these numbers are," said scientist Nathan Donley. 

Elanco disputes that, saying "the incident report rate … in the U.S. has been below 0.3%" and the majority "relate to non-serious effects" such as skin problems.  

A company official said the EPA data "cannot be used to draw conclusions on what may have actually caused the issues," that "a report is not an indication of cause," and said there's "no established link between exposure to the active ingredients in Seresto and pet deaths."

But Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi wants the collars off the market — at least temporarily. 

"I think that it's only appropriate in this case that the manufacturer do a voluntary recall," he said. "We look at the situation, investigate and then proceed from there." 

The company said it is cooperating with the subcommittee but will not issue a recall. A recall, a spokesperson told CBS News, would be up to regulators. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Lady Luck...

...wishes you a happy St. Patrick's Day from Texas.
Here are pics of my cute cousin, Lady Luck wearing green. 
Isn't she adorable?  Mama says she should be a model and I do agree with her. 

Mama made me a scarf in honor of the day and she forgot to put it on me!

I hope all you cats and dogs had a fun-filled day. 

I bet none of you looked as cute as Lady Luck. 

🍀 Slainte 🍀

 Woof, woof, till later, 



Monday, March 8, 2021

Wieners and Nuts?

 Wow, my cousin Lady really experiences a lot of fun. Here she is at a car show in Texas. I hope she received samples of the hot dogs and skipped the nuts. 

Woof, woof, till later, 

Zoey Elizabeth

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Rescued Pit Bull Thinks He’s One Of The Cats

The Animal Rescue Site by Greater Good
(Article repurposed from my FaceBook.)

By J. Swanson

Dogs are social creatures who love nothing more than being part of a pack. Their attentive behavior also makes them prone to pick up habits from the rest of their family. Some dogs sit just like their humans. Other pups watch TV. Most love nothing more than to cuddle up with you on the sofa or in bed, even tucking themselves beneath the covers.

So when Bethany and Samantha Castiller adopted Mako from the animal shelter, they naturally wondered about the 2-year-old pit bull’s former family. The rescued dog never barked, which seemed unusual for a pup of his age. Nor did the pup seem to like dog treats, which seemed very strange. But Mako was still a foodie, as they found out. This finicky floof just preferred treats for cats.


But when Mako hopped up onto the countertop, and then up onto the table, women realized what was going on. Their pup had clearly grown up with cats in his former home, which had caused the attentive pooch adopt feline tastes and behaviors. This would also explain how the dog got up on top of the fridge. His former cat siblings had apparently taught him to climb!


“Whenever Mako sees the boys on the counters or cabinets he hops up to join them,” Bethany told The Dodo. “He really just wants to be around the cats all the time. If he is not in the room with one of us humans, he’s with the cats.”

Fortunately, Mako, whom his owners have started calling the “pittycat,” has plenty of love for his new humans, too.


“We joke that we didn’t really pick him, he picked us,” Bethany said. “When we went to the rescue shelter he had his back against the cage so we started petting him and he looked over his shoulder and gave direct eye contact and we just fell in love with the little guy.”

Easter Lilies are not for kitties

 Mama saw this on Facebook and then googled it to see if it was true. Yes, it is true. So please keep your cats safe. 

Woof, woof, till later,