Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Hey, it is me again.

Mama mentioned I didn't include anything in last night's post about how I supplemented my diet the past few months. I am confessing to all my readers that along with my grain-free kibble, blue berries, chicken, and steak, I devoured a few pairs of flip flops/crocs (which I never would have if Mama didn't leave them on the floor in my reach), two bras, and one eye glass case (which I was brazen enough to grab off the counter). Needless to say I was in big trouble.

Good, my sins are absolved, yet I don't feel any different. Thank goodness canines don't experience guilt. Humans could take a lesson from us--shed your guilt like we shed our fur. You will feel much better!

Woof, woof, till later, 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Oh where oh where did the summer go?

Wow…where did the summer go?  Mama says it is officially over next weekend but she doesn’t considered it over until September 21. She says September is great time at the beach—most of the tourists are gone, the ocean is warmer, and the jelly fish are no longer floating by you. Most of all, people aren’t encroaching on your beach space. I will have to take her word about this since furry children are not permitted on the beach during the summer.

I had a busy summer but before I jot down details I want to let you know how my fur nephew is doing. Thank God Louie’s cancer is in remission. He went through a lot of harsh medicine but it worked. His mama wasn’t giving up on him. We are so happy that Louie is feeling better.

Now for me, over the summer I had some training classes. Nina is my trainer. I try to show her my good side so she thinks Mama and Dad are exaggerating when they tell her about all my bad behaviors. That Nina is a smart one, she sees right through me. I am not going to go into detail about my training because apparently I need a lot more of it. As soon as I get the hang of everything I should be doing I will let you know. I do want to mention though, that I can now walk pass most dogs without going berserk. That in itself is progress! I have no problem with people, it is the 4-legged creatures that worry me.

Today I got up close and personal with my little neighbor, Oreo. I have to say, he is a cutie; Mama wasn’t exaggerating about his cuteness. We walked together! You should have seen how proud Mama was over my PROGRESS! Now keep in mind I didn’t say I stopped barking at Oreo when I see him through the window. Like I said, I need more training.

I played in my pink pool a few times over the summer months. I love playing with Mama and the long yellow hose. Especially when the weather is hot. Not too many hot days though this summer.

Aunt Joanie played ball a lot with me. Did I ever tell you I live for ball? Anyone who wants to throw the ball so I can fetch it is my friend.

I found out that I can fit on the window sills. Mama saw me jump up on the front window and she scolded me and told me I was not a cat. How dare she even think I may be part cat. Ouch, that really hurt my feelings.

I learned how to open the shower door so I can inspect it. I didn’t need Nina to teach me that trick. Yet, I haven’t heard Mama bragging about that new activity.

Tonight we went down to the dock to listen to the band. My parents take me as much as they can to socialize me and have me listen to loud noises. Usually I lay under the bench. Tonight though I messed up. Three of the bay staff approached Mama and Dad. They said they observed me without our knowledge and they saw I was behaving myself so they were going to let me stay and enjoy the music. That is until they came closer to my parents and a growl escaped my mouth. They kindly told us we had to leave the dock. Dad said they were just doing their job. Mama was pissed but she understood. Needless to say, I won’t be going to the concert next weekend. 

Excuse me Mamma, I have to bark to let everyone know I had a paw-perfect summer.

Woof, woof, till later,