Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Jackson's Angel Day--March 29 2014

Saturday, March 29 Jackson let his parents know it was time for him to go. He was surrounded by people who love and cherish him, including his brother Louie. Louie went with Mama, Dad, brother and sister to Oradell Animal Hospital to support Jack-Jack with lots of love and hugs until he took his last breath.  Mama told me that Louie stood up and put his two front paws on the gurney and kissed Jackson goodbye. Mama says it was amazing and heartbreaking. 

Jackson watching his Dad getting ready to walk his bride down the aisle. 

Jackson is Mama's grand dog. I never met him but she tells me he was an extra special dog. She has so many wonderful memories of Jackson. She said Jackson was David's best friend like Sierra was her best friend. 

Jackson was a lucky dog to have David and Danielle for parents; he couldn't have asked for a better mommy and daddy. Jackson never wanted for anything and in return he gave his parents more love and loyalty than you can imagine.
Our family will miss Jackson deeply and will never ever forget him. I am sorry I didn't have a chance to meet him. One day, a long time from now, I will have the chance. In the meantime, Jackson will be with my sister, Laura, who I never met either. Heaven just got better—Laura, Sierra, and Jackson are there. 

Jackson, Sierra, Louie

Woof, woof with respect & sympathy, 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fundraiser for START II rescue

Reminder: April 3 is the event. Mama and her friends had lots of fun last year and they are looking forward to the excitement again this year. Some of Mama's friends were lucky at her table; hopefully this year they will all be lucky. There certainly are enough chances to win a basket. Mama said it was the best Tricky Tray ever.

Who knows, maybe Mama will win a basket full of delicious dogie treats for little ole me!

Come out and support the animals. Details in the flyer.

Woof, woof, till later...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bandage? What bandage...

Guess what...Mama arrived home and got a full view of my beautiful tail. She was not a happy camper! She said she will wrap it again with Dad's help.

Hey, at least I didn't eat the pipe installation wrap; I figured Mama would want to use it again. She doesn't give up easily.

PS Happy St Joseph's Day.

Woof, woof, till later, 

You should see me now...

Some of you may already know that I suffer from a condition called "Happy Tail." Why should I have to endure the ridiculous bandages Mama puts on my tail? After all, I am wagging my tail because I am so happy to be living with Mama. 

Mama and Dad have tried to wrap my tail so many different times and different ways and I am always able to get the bandages off. Even when Mama sprays yucky stuff on the wrap. She really thinks the scent of green apple is going to stop me from chewing off the wraps! Needless to say, I have been winning the battles but losing the war because I am the one getting hurt. I don't mind my tail being injured but Mama and Dad are worried over it. They also are not happy cleaning blood from the walls, cabinets, stove, washer, dryer, etc. a couple times a day You would be surprised to see the amount of splatter my beautiful tails produces. 

Last night Mama invited her friend, Mrs D, over to help her try once again to secure a bandage to my tail. She even uses Vet Wrap but I remove that too. Anyway, Mrs D is pretty darn smart...she brings over pipe installation. I take a look at her and the black tube and I think just maybe she misunderstood Mama. Did she think we need a pipe wrapped? I have to admit she was thinking outside of the box. As of this morning I was still wearing the soft foam and protecting my lovely tail. 

I am surprised Mama didn't think to take a pic of me with that pink thing that rings different tunes. 

Let's see if I keep it on all day. .

Woof, woof, till later, 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mama's friend, Bruiser

Yep, Bruiser wore his scarf today!
Scarf made by Mama
one for Bruiser and one for me

Woof, woof, till later, 

Today and tomorrow we are Irish

Top of the morning to everyone. 

I am wearing my green today and tomorrow in honor of all our Irish friends. So today and tomorrow I am know as  "Mc"Zoey.
I hope "Mc" Bruiser is wearing his scarf also. 

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Scarf made by Mama

May your days be many and your troubles few. 
May all God's blessing descend upon you. 
May peace be within you may your heart be strong. 
May you find what you're seeking wherever you roam.

Irish Blessing

Woof, woof, till later, 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My first training session

OMG, this guy let all my tricks out of the bag!

This was my second time meeting Mr. Jeff.  Besides being a dog trainer, he owns a holistic pet care and supply store called Paradise Pet, Inc. You can visit him at his store, which is located at 48 West Passaic Ave in Bloomfield, NJ. He is a good guy and he does a lot of great work assisting my breed to find loving furever homes, plus educating people about us. You can check him out at:

·         www.pittyrescue.com 
·         Facebook:  Jeff Coltenback or Pitty Rescue
·         www.paradisepet.net

He may be a good guy but I didn't appreciate all the lessons he was teaching Mama and Dad. I am going to have a hard time pulling the wool over their eyes. (Why would I want to put a sweater on Mama’s eyes? Humans have very unusual sayings.) Hopefully, I will be able to display a bad manner once in a while. I will do my best to try and contain myself though.

Mr. Jeff showed my parents how to walk me while keeping me close to them; how to let up on the lead when they want to give me some sniff time; and how to administer corrections while we are on our walks. Mama and Dad practiced with me today.

I haven’t been upfront and personal with any dogs since I moved in with my new family. Today, I experienced my closes encounter with one.  Maggie and her dad were gracious to work with us to help Mr. Jeff show Mama and Dad what to do when I am confronted by a four-legged creature. Boy, my anxiety level was running high; so was Maggie’s. It turned out to be a worthwhile trial. Maggie and I aren’t friends yet, but we didn’t hurt each other during the meet and greet. As Mama would say, “we made progress!”

Mr. Jeff explained to my parents that they are the leaders, not me. Ouch, did that hurt to hear! He gave Mama and Dad a lot of tips to help maintain alpha status in our family.

Mama enforces in me that good manners is a must. The three of us will be practicing our manners and leadership skills.

I hope if you see me around I won’t alarm you. I really am a love bug.

Wish us luck!

Woof, woof, till later...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy St Patty's Day

Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.

I am blessed to live in my new home 
with my new family!

By any chance, do you think that pot is full of 
dog cookies?

Woof, woof, till later, 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sly dog

Mama thought this guy was a hoot. 
He has a good idea though, if only we had a cat.  
I could blame the missing balls on the cat, 
the chewed rug, and all the other mischievous things 
that I get myself involved in. 

Second thought, nah, we don't need a cat.

I will keep fessing up to my negative actions 
and then cuddle with Mama so she forgets what I did. 

Woof, woof, till later, 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Irish blessing

Mama made St. Patrick Day scarves for Bruiser and me.
She mailed Bruisers to him and Renee posted the picture below.
Mama will take a picture of me wearing mine and post it.
I have been wearing it for about a week now.
Yesterday at the Quilt show Mama bought fabric
to make me more scarves. She likes to add color to me.
I don't mind. After all, I am a female
 and I like my scarves that are made with love.

Woof, woof, till later,

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fun with my nephew

This is Shawn, he is my nephew. Today we had fun walking around in the development collecting sticks and branches and playing in the dog run. It was a struggle getting over the snow piles to access the dog run but we did it! I have four strong legs to help me master the snow and ice. Mama and Shawn only have two legs so they were at a disadvantage and had to take more care not to fall face first in the snow. Even if I fall, I don't have far to go before I hit the ground.

Nana was with us too but she thought we were crazy so she left us and went back to the house to enjoy a cup of hot tea.

Mama didn't have her camera with her so I am posting a pic from Dec when Mama took Shawn and Kyla to the Botanical Gardens to check out the Train Show. Isn't my guy handsome?

Thanks Shawn for spending time with me!

Woof, woof till later, 
