Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

TLC Animal Rescue

Mama came home from work, walked and fed me, and then she was running out the door again! Whoa, where you going Mama? I was a little disappointed that she was leaving me but she explained to me it was for a good cause and promised to play ball with me no matter what time she gets home. That's my Mama, she always plays ball with me in the evening. 

The call to action was for the TLC Animal Rescue squad nearby. They were sponsoring a fundraiser--a night of painting a portrait of your pet on canvas and drinking wine. Doesn't sound like a good combination to me but Mama declared it was a lot of fun with Kelly, Tara, and Monica.  

When Mama bought her artwork home I gasped--"Who is that? That dog doesn't look anything like me! Either Mama is color blind, swallowed way too much wine, or she bought home someone else's art." 

After a few belly rubs and a walk, I calmed myself down and realized that Mama painted Sierra.  Sierra was the family dog for many years and Mama still calls me Sierra sometimes. That’s okay because I know my family loves me too.

Take a peek at the amazing paintings the girls created. I must say they are quite good. 

Starting at the left: Sophie, Tara's  cats, Sierra, Lola

Sophie, artist is Monica

Tara, Monica, Mama, Kelly

Lola, artist is Kelly
Sierra, artist is  Mama (with some help from Tara)
Copied from one of Mama's favorite pics of Sierra standing by
the Mandevilla in the yard while Mama was pulling weeds. . 

Cats--Johnny & Katie artist Tara

I have to go now to play ball with my Mama. If I don't she will be disappointed. I will post more about the rescue squad tomorrow. Gotta go now! Get the ball Mama, I'm a coming...

Woof, woof, till later,
Zoey Elizabeth

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