Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Monday, November 24, 2014

8 Thanksgiving Foods That Are Dangerous to Us!

Before you set the table for the big day, make sure to read through this list so that your wonderful, lovable dog stays safe and happy during the holiday. Thanksgiving is a time of family, fun, and food, but it can be dangerous for your dog if you do not know what foods are harmful to them. 
These 8 holiday staples are actually dangerous for your dog to consume. 
Make sure to take note, and let your holiday guests know of these potential threats as well – you don’t want Uncle Al sneaking Fido something dangerous under the table during the big holiday meal!

8. Turkey Skin

Turkey is a staple at almost every Thanksgiving feast. But did you know that foods high in fat, like the turkey skin, can actually be very harmful for your pooch? The skin holds onto all of the butter, spices, marinades, and oils that were used to cook the turkey and is very hard for your dog to digest. Sometimes, ingesting high fat foods can lead to pancreatic. It’s best to resist the urge to let your dog eat the turkey scraps that get left behind after carving, even though they may have a dynamite begging face.

7. Sage

This popular holiday seasoning tastes delicious in stuffing and on the turkey, but it actually contains essential oils that are dangerous for your dog and can cause indigestion and an upset stomach.
This next food is a popular pre-dinner snack that can be very dangerous for your dog….

6. Nuts

Holiday staples – macadamia nuts and walnuts – are especially dangerous for dogs to consume. They can cause a toxic reaction within 12 hours of ingesting them, which consists of vomiting, an inability to stand, and tremors. Symptoms usually go away, but it can sometimes lead to deadly shock.

5. Cooked Bones

Many may think that giving your dog the bone from the turkey or ham is an excellent way to include them in the holiday meal, but cooked bones prove to be more dangerous than they are delicious. Cooked bones could splinter inside your dog’s digestive tract and cause major internal problems. Avoid leaving cooked bones anywhere near your dog’s reach, and quickly dispose of any leftovers after the meal to avoid a costly trip to the vet and an unpleasant experience for your dog.
4. Nutmeg
Sweet potatoes and pumpkin, in appropriate doses, are a healthy treat for your dog. But you will want to take special precautions and make sure that neither of those have nutmeg on them before feeding. Nutmeg can cause seizures if your dog consumes it alone or as an ingredient in sweet potatoes or pumpkin, and in extreme cases can even lead to death.
This next one isn't necessarily a food, but it is usually at every holiday gathering…

3. Alcohol

Most dogs love the taste of alcohol, but no type of alcohol is good for them. Even small amounts of alcohol, especially beer, can cause life threatening toxicity. The hops in beer can cause an elevated body temperature, racing heart, vomiting, and sometimes even death in dogs. Resist the urge to share your adult  beverage with your dog, and you will avoid unnecessary suffering and illness.

2. Baking Essentials: Chocolate, Dough, And Batter

Keeping your dog out of the kitchen while you prepare those delicious Thanksgiving desserts is a smart idea. Even small amounts of chocolate can harm them, and dough can actually rise inside of their bellies, which causes stomach pain for your precious pooch. Spare batter contains uncooked eggs, which are always a risk for Salmonella, something both you and your dog will want to avoid.

1. Onions And Garlic

Another set of popular Thanksgiving ingredients, onions and garlic, are dangerous for your dog to get a hold of. All members of the onion family contain compounds that can damage your dog’s red blood cells if ingested. Garlic tends to be more toxic than onions, however both can lead to anemia if ingested in sufficient quantities, and contrary to popular  belief, cooking them does not lower their toxicity.
Keeping a close eye on your furbaby during the Thanksgiving meal, or even allowing them to relax safely in another room, is a good rule of thumb for the holidays. Keeping this list in mind during prep and actual mealtime will make everything run smoothly, and keep your furbaby safe and happy! Happy Thanksgiving!

Read more at http://blog.theanimalrescuesite.com/thanksgivingthreatsfordogs/#RsBOcouvcBtyhQ8R.99

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