Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com
Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.
Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.
Friday, December 30, 2016
6 great ways to challenge your dog’s mind
1. Work on a new trick
2. Play with interactive games or toys with your dog
3. Run errands with your dog
4. Give your dog a job to do
5. Introduce your dog to new faces
6. Give them new toys and rotate out the old ones
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Children and puppies
Greeting a puppy:
- Teach the child about "No Touch, No Talk, No Eye Contact."
- The introduction between puppy and child should be delayed until the child's excitement has passed and he or she is in a calm state of mind, able to focus on adult instruction. Never allow the child to make the first move.
- Keep an eye on the child's energy levels and note the puppy's reactions. Once you are satisfied that the situation is safe and under your control, show the child the proper way to give affection.
- Safety first! Don't be afraid to say no... if the situation appears unsafe for puppy or child, inform the child that the dog is in training and can't be pet.
- Set some ground rules for off-limits play. Be sure that the child understands not to pull the puppy's ears or tail.
- Keep watch for signs of rough play, and correct the child or redirect his or her energy when needed.
- Observe the puppy's body language. Step in when you believe the puppy has had enough of playtime.
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Photo not taken from Cesar's Way. Photo by David Citarella |
- Make sure the puppy sees a vet regularly.
- Make sure your child washes his or her hands thoroughly both before and after playtime.
- Do not allow playtime around or near the areas where the puppy or dog relieves himself.
- Any and all excrement should be picked up from the lawn and surrounding areas frequently and properly disposed of.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
It has been 3 years
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Arrival Day |
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Let it Be by Cesar Millan
Friday, August 26, 2016
It's National Dog Day!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
8 Toxic Foods for Dogs

To avoid a trip to the animal emergency room, keep your pooch away from these foods
Consumer Reports/ By Julia Calderone / July 30, 2016
“Dogs in general react a little bit differently to diet variation than we do,” says Martine Hartogensis, D.V.M., the deputy director of the Office of Surveillance and Compliance at the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine. Their digestive systems are simply not as well equipped as ours to process and eliminate certain foods, she says. They are used to eating the same commercial dog food every day, which is designed to provide them with all of the nutrients they need. Human food can throw dogs’ systems out of whack, and can cause both mild and serious health problems. Not all people foods are necessarily toxic foods for dogs, and not all dogs react to foods the same way. For instance, small dogs tend to be more sensitive than large ones.
After monitoring complaints and adverse events through the FDA’s Safety Reporting Portal, the agency has identified the top people foods and ingredients that could land your dog a visit to the animal hospital.
1. Alliums
Onions, garlic, and chives—and any foods seasoned with them—are a big no-no for your pooch, as they’ve been associated with a disorder called hemolytic anemia, says Hartogensis, which can damage a dog’s red blood cells. The same goes for spices such as onion and garlic powder, too. If your dog happens to eat any of these alliums, watch out for symptoms of hemolytic anemia: disorientation, fatigue, listlessness, pale gums, and rapid heartbeat. As the disease progresses, they can also develop darkened urine, jaundice, and vomiting.
2. Foods That Have Gone Bad
Some dogs serve as little vacuum cleaners, cleaning up all the crumbs on the floor, but that doesn’t mean they can double as a living compost bin. If a food has mold or you think it has otherwise spoiled, don’t feed it to your dog. And take care to keep trash cans and compost bins in a place where the dog can’t get into them.
3. Fried or Fatty FoodsFoods that are overly fatty, such as fried chicken, are very toxic foods for dogs, says Hartogensis. If they eat enough, their pancreases can become inflamed. causing those organs to produce enzymes that can severely damage your pet’s intestines. This can be life-threatening, says Hartogensis: “It’s really scary to watch a dog come in with pancreatitis because they’re just vomiting like crazy.”
4. Grapes
Scientists aren’t sure exactly why grapes are one of the most toxic foods for dogs, or which compound in them makes dogs so sick, says Hartogensis, but there’s been a well-established association between grapes and acute kidney failure in some pups. This includes currants and raisins, which can deliver an even stronger toxic punch than a grape, because the fruits are dried and therefore the compounds are more concentrated than they are in grapes. If your pooch sneaks a grape while you’re not looking, even if it’s just one, watch for signs of kidney failure, which can initially include diarrhea and vomiting, and then abdominal pain, dehydration, lethargy, low urine output, and weakness, according to the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. The smaller the dog, the fewer grapes it will take to make them sick.
5. Macadamia Nuts
Dogs seem to be the only species that can’t tolerate macadamia nuts, says Hartogensis: “Nobody has really figured out the toxic principle here.” A dog would have to eat a fair amount of macadamia nuts to get sick, Hartogensis says, but if they do, they can get depression, fever, muscle weakness, and vomiting. Pet owners should keep their dogs away from all nuts in general, Hartogensis says, but especially keep an eye on macadamia nuts.
6. Raw Meat--This one is controversial, please see comments one on
You wouldn’t stick a piece of raw meat into your mouth, so why would you feed it to your dog? Uncooked meats can harbor potentially deadly bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, which can wreak havoc on the digestive system. While dogs are typically less prone to infections from bacteria like these than humans are, the bacteria can still make them sick, says Hartogensis. After working with raw meat, avoid potentially contaminating your dog’s food and treats by washing your hands thoroughly before dipping your fingers into their bone bag.
7. Salty Snacks
In large amounts, foods containing excess salt can cause sodium ion poisoning in dogs, leading to depression, diarrhea, high fever, excessive thirst, kidney damage, seizures, and vomiting, says Hartogensis: “It’s almost like they get drunk,” she says. A potato chip or a pretzel probably won’t do much damage, but a whole bag might, according to the FDA. Make sure your dog has enough water at all times, especially if they’ve dipped into some salty snacks.
8. Xylitol
More and more, manufacturers are adding this low-calorie sugar substitute to processed foods and other products such as baked goods, breath mints, gums, mouthwashes, toothpastes, and more. Dog owners may not know that even just a little bit of the sweetener can cause a rapid spike in their insulin levels, which could cause their blood sugar to plummet to dangerous lows. “Even just a few pieces of gum can be pretty toxic,” says Hartogensis. Small dogs are especially vulnerable since the effects are dose-dependent. Symptoms of xylitol poisoning initially include vomiting, and can later progress to fainting, seizures, staggering, and weakness.
What about our feline friends? Cats can similarly be sensitive to certain foods, such as alliums, but according to the FDA, they are pickier eaters than dogs, and are less likely to eat something that will make them sick.
If you think your pet has been poisoned, first take the food away so that he or she doesn’t eat any more of it, says Hartogensis. Then you should call your veterinarian. If a vet is not available, you can contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435).The ASPCA might charge a consultation fee.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Is Pet Insurance Worth the Cost?

Like medical coverage for people, pet insurance policies are complicated. Here’s what we found when we analyzed the coverage from three health insurers.
Consumer Reports / Mandy Walker / Last updated: March 30, 2016
“Some lily plants are toxic to cats” she says, and may cause kidney failure. “Symptoms can take 12 to 24 hours to show. By the time kidney failure occurs, it’s almost always fatal.”
Emergency treatment, which included three days in intensive care, medication, tests, and lots of IV fluids, cost $1,783. But just three months before, Newsom-Stewart bought pet insurance, and it covered $1,327 of the bill. And Fawkes, now 4, made a full recovery.
A serious illness or injury can take a financial toll, even when the patient is a pet. Cancer treatments can easily run $5,000; surgery to fix a torn ACL from, say, a poorly executed jump off the sofa can cost about $3,300. Pet insurance is sold with the promise that by helping to cover some of your pet’s medical bills, you won’t be forced to consider “economic euthanasia” in the most dire circumstances.
But as helpful and emotionally comforting as it might be, is insurance really worth the price?
About 1.4 million pets in the U.S. and Canada were covered by a plan at the end of 2014, according to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association, a trade group. That’s less than 1 percent of about 174 million pet cats and dogs, but up from 680,000 policies in 2008. Some of the increase may be linked to a surprising fact: Pet insurance is one of the fastest-growing optional employee benefits.
Major policy providers include the ASPCA (through Hartville), Embrace, Healthy Paws, PetFirst, Petplan, and Trupanion. Most cover only cats and dogs, but one company, Nationwide (formerly Veterinary Pet Insurance), also insures birds, rabbits, snakes, turtles, and other animals.
The cost of coverage can increase depending on your pet’s breed (purebreds cost more to insure because they’re more prone to some hereditary conditions), age (plans may cost more as your pet gets older), the rising cost of veterinary care, and the coverage options you choose, such as your deductible amount. Embrace and Healthy Paws pay a flat percentage of covered costs after your deductible is met. Other companies calculate reimbursements based on the “usual and customary costs” of vet care in your area. Embrace lets you pick the annual maximum amount it will cover each year ($5,000, $8,000, $10,000, or $15,000); Healthy Paws and Trupanion have no annual ceiling.
The insurance trade group says that accident and illness coverage per year averaged $473 for dogs and $285 for cats in 2014. Accident-only policies ran $158 and $132, respectively.
To compare costs, we asked four providers—Embrace, Healthy Paws, Nationwide, and Trupanion—whose parent companies comprise roughly 75 percent of the market, to estimate what their accident and illness policies would cover for a specific dog and cat. After initially agreeing, Nationwide decided it would only provide data for its policy that had accident, illness, and wellness coverage, so we didn’t include the company in our analysis.
We used the vet bills of Guinness, an almost 12-year-old Labrador mix from Westchester County, N.Y., and Freddie, a mixed-breed cat from Fairfield County, Conn., who’s almost 9.
Guinness had few health problems over the years until he was diagnosed with skin cancer last fall. Treating him required two costly surgeries and expensive follow-up care.
If you have a pet like Guinness with a costly condition or illness you want to treat, we found that pet insurance may pay out more than it costs you. In our exercise, a Healthy Paws plan was the only one that paid more than it cost.
But if his owner continues to cover cancer treatments, all three plans may be worth it. In 2015, for example, Healthy Paws and Trupanion would have reimbursed the owner over $3,000 more than they would have charged for coverage. Embrace would have covered more than $4,000 over the cost of its plan
Of course, our results are for a single cat and dog; vet bills are different for every animal, and there’s no way to predict whether your pet will become sick or injured. But if you’d like help with unexpected, large vet bills, a plan may be worth considering.
Talk with your vet about the medical costs your pet’s breed will usually incur, and ask about his experience with different pet insurers.
Download sample policies from insurance websites and read them thoroughly for limitations, exceptions, and co-payments. Consider skipping wellness coverage if possible and paying for it out of pocket. Last year routine vet care cost cat owners just $196 and dog owners only $235, according to the American Pet Products Association.

- Ask your vet which vaccines you can skip. Some effectively prevent serious and costly diseases, says Louise Murray, D.V.M., a veterinarian and vice president of the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in New York City. But ringworm, for example, is a mild condition and its vaccine isn’t that effective, she says.
- Guard against parasites. Fleas can cause life-threatening anemia, and ticks can spread Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. An inexpensive topical solution can keep the bugs at bay.
- Spay or neuter your pet. Doing so can help prevent health problems, including some cancers. Many shelters or chapters of the ASPCA provide low-cost or no-cost spayor neuter surgery.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Good advice
Do you know how to approach a dog correctly? Approaching a dog so that it does not feel threatened can help prevent dog bites from occurring.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
The Real Top Dog
Cesar's Way / May 1, 2016
By Cesar Millan
When you hear the term “alpha male,” what do you think of? You probably see some loud, powerful, overbearing man in a position of leadership — a CEO, professional athlete, or drill sergeant.
These images all tend toward negative stereotypes about masculinity: insensitive, loud, opinionated, and pushy. An alpha male resolves conflict by escalating it and then winning in combat, whether actual or symbolic.
So when people use the expression “alpha” in the dog world, they tend to think of the same negative images, seeing the alpha as the aggressive leader who will attack and kill any challengers. But that’s never what the term meant in the dog world. The alpha is just the dog (or mating pair) leading the pack
To put it in perspective, here’s one example of an extremely alpha male: Gandhi.
That may seem surprising. After all, wasn’t Gandhi a pacifist, determined to achieve his goals through peaceful resistance instead of armed conflict? He never gave the impression of being physically strong and was never loud or bossy. Nobody could seem farther from being the classic alpha male, right?
And yet Gandhi led his fellow Indians into a revolution that took on one of the world’s most formidable empires, and they won, becoming an independent nation again.
Gandhi’s secret to being a great leader was his calm, assertive energy — and this is also the key to being a true alpha, whether you’re a dog or a human. A leader cannot lead through fear or intimidation. They may be able to control their followers for a while, but it’s a following created by coercion. Since it’s not based on trust or respect, it will fall apart at the first opportunity.
After all, how many dictators wind up being assassinated by their own military or inner circle?
The difference with humans is that we will follow an unstable leader who uses strong-arm tactics to bully us into control because they often use arguments based on emotion, usually fear of the unknown.
Dogs don’t work like this. If an unstable dog tries to become the alpha, the other dogs will either not follow at all or, if it becomes too extreme, they’ll gang up and drive that dog from their pack without hesitation.
Researchers found a perfect example of a true alpha in the Yellowstone Park wolf pack. He was a male known as M21. He never lost a fight to a rival, but he never killed a rival he defeated. According to Yellowstone’s biological technician Rick McIntyre, one of M21’s favorite things to do was to wrestle and play-fight with the wolf pups. But what he really loved, McIntyre explained, “Was to pretend to lose. He just got a huge kick out of it.”
Of course, the other big difference between human, wolf, and dog alphas is that the canines have always allowed either males or females to assume the leadership role. They don’t decide based on gender. They decide based on energy. It looks like humans are only just catching up to that one.
So the secret to being the alpha is to always have calm, assertive energy to earn your dog’s trust, respect, and loyalty. The only thing that changes is the degree of assertiveness you may have to use. A timid dog requires very little assertiveness provided that you’re calm enough, and it goes up the scale from there. An aggressive dog requires a much more physical correction.
The only dogs I’ve ever had to put into a submission position are those that are trying to be overly dominant themselves. This isn’t a technique that I learned from any trainer or behaviorist, though. I learned it from the dogs themselves. It’s exactly what a mother dog will do to correct her pups when they’re out of line — roll them on their backs and hold them down until they submit. She isn’t trying to intimidate or coerce them, though. She’s making a simple statement of fact: “I’m the one in charge here.”
The secret to being the alpha — the Pack Leader — is to find the right balance between being calm and being assertive and remembering that a true leader will use whatever technique is necessary to maintain control, but always from a place of love.
Stay calm, and let your dogs respect you.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Follow-up to Just Pups in Paramus
By DANIEL HUBBARD (Patch Staff) - April 27, 2016
Top 5 myths about shelter dogs
Reprinted from Cesar's Way / https://www.cesarsway.com/
Part of Cesar’s mission is to promote rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of dogs. There are millions of homeless dogs in the world, and a large number of them are currently in shelters waiting for one of two options: a forever home, or death. Often, people are reluctant to adopt shelter dogs because of certain preconceived notions about them. Here, we debunk five common myths about shelter dogs.
1. They’re in the shelter because something is wrong with them
2. You’ll never know their history

3. They may have a disease
4. They aren’t purebred

5. They’re too old
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
No bomb searching for me...
Woof, I can do all of this except search for bombs. My only search is for balls and stuffies that I can pull apart. Sorry, Kyla, for tearing your jaguar apart on Sunday. Mama says she will stitch him up and you won't even know where he was hurt. Can't promise I won't do it again so my advice to you is not to leave any stuffies where I can get them--like off the floor.
Anyone notice how gentle I was to the little rug rat on Sunday? I couldn't resist sniffing her while she was locked in the high chair. She smells so sweet (maybe that was the food Kyla fed her)! I think she is a baby who has a lot of hair. Note Kyla's jaguar sitting safely next to her.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Please take a moment to read this important post
Rae is my Mama's long-time, good friend Joan's great granddaughter. Joan is very good to me and this is the least I can do to help her granddaughter.
Please, if possible, make a donation to the fund. Any amount will be appreciated and all the funds will be used for Rae's care and education. Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Raevyn (Rae) is not my blood but she is my family by any and all accounts.
Her mother has been in my life since she was a toddler and I love her as much as anyone can love another human being.
Rae's mom, my niece, is a single parent and has been recently diagnosed with avery aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and has been enduring chemotherapy as frequently as every other week. The chemo is being delivered via a port that was surgically implanted in her head to access the tumor that is wrapped around the sacrum (lower spinal column) which infiltrated the central nervous system and cancerous cells have been found in her brain. There is another port surgically implanted into her chest to deliver the chemo to the rest of her blood stream to hopefully destroy the other masses the size of oranges within her pelvis.
If anyone has seen the effects of chemotherapy on a person, you know its not possible to take care of yourself let alone a toddler who requires constant care.
My niece is unable to work and therefore has no money to pay for daycare for Rae.
The money would go directly to the facility and any excess would go into a college fund for Rae to be used to further her opportunities later in life and give her a platform to tell the story that is incredibly and uniquely, Rae.
Thank you for reading and please know that anything you are willing to contribute is a huge help and graciously accepted.