Zoey has really taken to blogging. She asked me to help her create a blog just for and about her and other canines. She says she wants to spotlight dogs like her. So there is no time like the present to start the New Year off with www.Zoeytherescue.blogspot.com

Zoey wants to remind you that there are tons of animals that need a FUREVER home. Also shelters need donations not only monetary but many other items too. She says to take in consideration that there are lots of humans who donate to wonderful, much-needed causes to help humans but there is not enough humans that donate to help save animals.

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational/entertainment purposes only. I make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Just saying...

PLEASE give my fellow canines a chance to have a  home.  There are so many of them waiting to inherit a loving family in a safe and forever home. Look at me--I could not ask for a better mama and dad.

Please know that any dog you think about rescuing is a 10-15 plus years’ commitment. Of course there are many older dogs that need homes too.  No pup wants to be returned to the shelter, so please give it lots of consideration before you visit a shelter and get a dog’s hope up. 

Here is a story that I overheard Mama telling the other day. She stopped to talk to an older man when she was out for her daily walk. (I wasn’t with her because of my situation with my sore paws so I had to stoop to eavesdropping.) The man was walking a beautiful champagne-color pit bull. Mama commented on how gorgeous his dog was. (I am sure she didn’t mean that dog was more gorgeous than me). Anyway, the man said he was caring for his daughter's dog while she worked in a vet's office. He said she actually saved the dog from death.

The dog’s owner brought the 3 year old to the office to be KILLED! Oh my God, can you imagine? The horrible owner said he purchased the dog during Covid so he wouldn't be alone while the world was on lockdown and now he didn’t want the dog anymore. (I can’t imagine anyone wanting this man!) The lady at the office couldn’t believe he would do such a thing. (Yikes, I can’t stop panting just recalling the story. What is wrong with some humans?) Let me get back on track…the kind women convinced the man to sign the dog over to her and that is how the champagne-color dog was rescued from death. What a wonderful women who not only saved a dog but opened her heart and home to the gorgeous dog.

I beg you to rescue, not purchase from a pet store. Whatever you do choose, please give it tons of thought and make sure you are ready for a long commitment. Once you agree to take a dog into your home you will not be disappointed and you are guaranteed not to be alone!

Woof, woof, till later,
Zoey Elizabeth


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